Overview of the Schedule of Classes

What is the Schedule of Classes?

The Schedule of Classes is the offering of classes that students can register for within a term.

Common Words and Definitions


A term is a range of dates in which class are taught. Depending on the program or school, classes are scheduled within either semesters (Fall, Spring, Summer) or within a year long term (Academic Year).


Sessions are sub-divisions of a term that determine the start and end date of classes. A term can be made up of one session or multiple sessions. If there are multiple possible start and end dates within a term, then multiple sessions are required within the term.


A course subject is denoted by the four letters. Examples: OBGY, CIRC, NURS, EMSP, DENH, etc. It can be representative of the department or school who owns the course.

Catalog Number

In OBGY 4000, the number 4000 is the catalog number. The first digit of this number can represent the level at which the course is taught (i.e. courses in the 3000s range would be taught to juniors, while 5000+ courses would be taught to graduate students). The last three digits of this number may have additional meaning depending on the school or program, or may be arbitrary.


A section label can be from 1 to 4 characters (numbers and/or letters). Every class must have a section designation. Sections can be used to assist in identifying multiple offerings of the course within a term. Usual section names are 001, 002, etc. However, these section names can changed to anything that is meaningful to the department/school or students. These section labels do not appear on the official transcript.

Class Number

Class number is a 4 digit number used to uniquely identify the specific class within a term. It is automatically assigned by the student information system (My Student Center, aka PeopleSoft) when the class is created for a term. These class numbers do not remain the same from term to term (i.e. EMSP 1162-001 may have a class number of 1757 for Fall 2018, but it may have a class number of 1589 in Spring 2019).

Course Inventory Management (CIM) in CourseLeaf

The Course Inventory Management (CIM, pronounced 'Kim') within CourseLeaf is used to manage all possible classes that could be taught at our institution. Changing the overall core components of a course is done in the CIM system (title, course description, grading basis, semester credit hours, etc).

How do the Schedule of Classes and Course Inventory Management (CIM) work together?

Courses are created and maintained in the Course Inventory Management system. Once a course exists, it can then be scheduled as needed in the Schedule of Classes.

Things updated in the Schedule of Classes:

  • Different offerings of a course within a term or session
  • Start and end dates
  • Staff/Faculty who are assisting/teaching
  • Enrollment capacity
  • Permission to enroll into the class
  • Optional: Course meeting pattern (i.e. Monday & Wednesdays from 3-5pm)

Things updated in Course Inventory Management (CIM):

  • Course Title
  • Course Description
  • Grading Basis (pass/fail, letter grade, etc)
  • Semester Credit Hours (determined by clock/contact hours)
  • Different methods of teaching the course (lecture, lab, conference, etc and determined by how clock/contact hours are assigned)
  • Online vs Hybrid vs Face-to-Face teaching method
  • Adding a brand new course
  • Removing a course completely from the inventory

When is the Schedule of Classes open for editing?

Deadlines can be found on the registrar website: https://students.uthscsa.edu/registrar/2015/03/instructions-for-faculty/

The Schedule of Classes is open for editing after the course editing deadline within Course Inventory Management (CIM) and before student registration opens.

After course changes have been processed in CIM, our office will copy the class data from the same term in the prior year and paste it into the upcoming term. Example: Fall 2023 Schedule of Classes would roll to Fall 2024 before Fall 2024 is open for Schedule of Class editing. This copy/pasting of term information occurs as soon as possible after all course information has been updated from CIM so that the CIM course changes are reflected in the Schedule of Classes.

When a class has never been scheduled before (e.g. a newly created course) or was not scheduled during the prior term, you will need to add the class manually to the Schedule of Classes. Reference Can’t Find a Course in Maintain Schedule of Classes? How to Schedule a New Course

What happens when the Schedule of Classes has closed for editing, but I need to make an edit?

A form must be completed, signed, and submitted to the Office of the University Registrar when you need to update the Schedule of Classes outside of the editing period. Forms can be found on the Registrar's Forms for Department and Dean Offices.


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